From Empty Nest to Happy Nest PODCAST!

If you feel the effects of your children leaving the nest wondering what is next, then listen to my interview on the AwakenYou in your Marriage Podcast with host Christine Bongiovanni. We discuss how to go from empty nest to happy nest!

Helping Empty Nest moms navigate through that hard phase of life

Your kids have left the house & you’re not sure what’s next for you…

I help you reduce the struggle & feel lighter so you can love your new life as much as you loved your old one!

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Hi! I'm Allie,

I am a wife, mother certified life coach, speaker, and truth-teller. I help you reduce the struggle & feel lighter so you can love your new life as much as you loved your old one! I show you how to discover your own unique path to joy and fulfillment!


My Book: A Girlfriend's Guide to Empty Nesting